from fasthtml.common import *
Understanding FastHTML xtend
<function fasthtml.xtend.Card(*c, header=None, footer=None, target_id=None, id=None, cls=None, title=None, style=None, accesskey=None, contenteditable=None, dir=None, draggable=None, enterkeyhint=None, hidden=None, inert=None, inputmode=None, lang=None, popover=None, spellcheck=None, tabindex=None, translate=None, hx_get=None, hx_post=None, hx_put=None, hx_delete=None, hx_patch=None, hx_trigger=None, hx_target=None, hx_swap=None, hx_include=None, hx_select=None, hx_indicator=None, hx_push_url=None, hx_confirm=None, hx_disable=None, hx_replace_url=None, hx_on=None, **kwargs) -> fastcore.xml.FT>
What interesting things can we find out about the Card function?
Help on function Card in module fasthtml.xtend:
Card(*c, header=None, footer=None, target_id=None, id=None, cls=None, title=None, style=None, accesskey=None, contenteditable=None, dir=None, draggable=None, enterkeyhint=None, hidden=None, inert=None, inputmode=None, lang=None, popover=None, spellcheck=None, tabindex=None, translate=None, hx_get=None, hx_post=None, hx_put=None, hx_delete=None, hx_patch=None, hx_trigger=None, hx_target=None, hx_swap=None, hx_include=None, hx_select=None, hx_indicator=None, hx_push_url=None, hx_confirm=None, hx_disable=None, hx_replace_url=None, hx_on=None, **kwargs) -> fastcore.xml.FT
A PicoCSS Card, implemented as an Article with optional Header and Footer
import inspect
@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True)
def Card(*c, header=None, footer=None, **kwargs)->FT:
"A PicoCSS Card, implemented as an Article with optional Header and Footer"
if header: c = (Header(header),) + c
if footer: c += (Footer(footer),)
return Article(*c, **kwargs)
@delegates(xt_hx, keep=True) means it can accept and pass along any arguments that the xt_hx function accepts.
It’s defined in
Not sure what xt_hx is, probably a function that does something with the XML tree and HTMX attributes.
I’ll run 02_xtend.ipynb to try and learn more.
from functools import partial
from fasthtml.components import ft_hx
= partial(ft_hx, "A")
my_a my_a
functools.partial(<function ft_hx>, 'A')
a></a> <
'Hi') my_a(
a>Hi</a> <
"Hi", cls='linky') my_a(
a class="linky">Hi</a> <
= partial(ft_hx, "B")
my_b "Hello") my_b(
b>Hello</b> <
= partial(ft_hx, "C")
C "Hee hee") C(
c>Hee hee</c> <
= partial(ft_hx, "Uma")
Uma "Hi mommy", cls='cute', mood='happy', id="UmaTheKid") Uma(
uma mood="happy" id="UmaTheKid" class="cute">Hi mommy</uma> <
= partial(ft_hx, "Mommy")
Mommy "Hi Uma", cls='mom', hx_trigger="mouseenter", hx_get="/inbox") Mommy(
mommy hx-trigger="mouseenter" hx-get="/inbox" class="mom">Hi Uma</mommy> <
= partial(ft_hx, "Daddy")
Daddy "Hi fam", cls="dad", hx_target="#UmaTheKid") Daddy(
daddy hx-target="#UmaTheKid" class="dad">Hi fam</daddy> <
from fastcore.meta import delegates
@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True)
def Mom(*c, title, description, **kwargs) -> FT:
print(f"Type of c: {type(c)}")
if title: c = H1(title, 1) + list(c)
if description: c += P(description)
return Mommy(*c, **kwargs)
"Hi Uma", title="Mother", description="Director of Motherhood", cls="ma", hx_trigger="mouseenter", hx_get="/inbox") Mom(
Type of c: <class 'tuple'>
mommy hx-trigger="mouseenter" hx-get="/inbox" class="ma">
Hi Uma
Director of Motherhood
{}mommy> </
@delegates(ft_hx, keep=True)
def Card(*c, header=None, footer=None, **kwargs) -> FT:
"A PicoCSS Card, implemented as an Article with optional Header and Footer"
if header:
= (Header(header),) + c
c if footer:
+= (Footer(footer),)
c return Article(*c, **kwargs)
"Hi Uma", header="Mother", footer="Director of Motherhood", cls="ma", hx_trigger="mouseenter", hx_get="/inbox") Card(
article hx-trigger="mouseenter" hx-get="/inbox" class="ma">
Hi Umafooter>Director of Motherhood</footer>
<article> </